
Exclusive Interview with Demian Overduijn, Mister World Netherlands 2014

The Pageantainment proudly presents Demian Overduijn Mister World Netherlands in an exclusive interview. Let us find out a little more about him...

If I looked in a dictionary under your name, what words would be used to define you?
A very social, driven, sportive and talented person who can’t sit still and loves to be in the wild.

Everyone has a mission in life. What do you think your mission is?
To get a tv program about endangered animals and thereby bringing knowledge and awareness to the people.

Tell me one thing about you that you find the sexiest!
My beard.

What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
Every year a friend and I go surviving with noting nut a tent. I once ate a giant grasshopper.

What color best describes your outlook on life? Why?
Green. Because i love to be in nature and there is nothing prettier than a huge green forest. Although I love all landscape types and there colours.

About your family, What special things do you do with them?
We always go for long walks in the bush and we catch lizards, snakes, butterfly’s and other beautiful animals. (and of course we also release them.

When was the last time you cried? Why?
Not so long ago when my ex girlfriend and I broke up.

You are given a choice between becoming the world’s most famous super model, actor, or writer. Your choice?
Actor, because my dream is to host a tv show about wild animals.

As a titleholder of Mister World Netherlands 2014, if the opportunity presented itself would you pose nude for a Magazine? Why or why not??
I would have to think about it. I think I wouldn’t because I would not be take serious anymore in the scene where I would like to work.

Did you dream of becoming a Mister World?
When I was 12 years old, I used to be 10 kg heavier than I am today. Would have never dreamed to have come so far. Right no I am proud of losing all the weight and the dream that I never dared dreaming is getting close to reality.

What is the most important thing you did to prepare for Mister World pageant? Why did you do that?
I made a choreography for the talent section. I wanted to do this dance on the song ‘let her go’ by passenger because I recently broke up with my girlfriend. We have shared our lives for 7 years now and although we love each other very much, it did not work out. So I would like to close this chapter of my life by putting all the emotions in this dance during the talent show at the mr world competition.

If you could have a wonderful dinner with one of three stunning women: Aishwarya Rai (Miss World 1994 of India), Agbani Darego (Miss World 2002 of Nigeria) and Ksenia Sukhinova (Miss World 2008 of Russia); which one would you choose and why?
Aishwarya Rai, Because she is a beautiful women!! And because she became an actress and I could learn something from her when I want to host my own tv show one day:)

If you win Mister World 2014, what are your plans for the future?
Realizing my dream of making a tv show about animal species that are going extinct and thereby bringing knowledge to people on how to reduce the increasing loss of biodiversity in the world.

Last, What is your special message to Pageantainment readers and to the world?
Follow me and I will do everything I can to entertain, give knowledge, have lots of fun and of course try to win this competition!

What is your favorite food? Chicory
What is your favorite movie? The Lion King
What is your favorite animal? Cheetah (Acinonyx Jubatus)
What are your two favorite colors? Blue and Yellow
Name your favorite book! Demian by Hermans Hesse
What is your favorite song or music video? Stairway to heaven by Led Zeppelin
Who is your favorite celebrity? Hugh Jackman
What is your favorite ice cream flavour? Yoghurt and hazelnut

Interview by:
Chilton Sampono

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Special Thanks to:
Kim Kötter - National Director
Demian Overduijn - Mr World Netherlands

All photos are copyright to its considerate owners