
Exclusive Interview - Mr. International Netherlands: SHAHIR OLBINA

Before participating at Mister International Netherlands 2014 Pageant, what did you do?
I was trying to be a singer cause I love to sing and I want to inspire people that everything can happen as you believe in it.  I am also a drumteacher for the youth. This because some parents don’t have enough money to put their child on a hobby or a sport. The kids I give lessons don’t pay me, I just want them to give their energie so they can develop their self. I contact their parents and school to hear if they are doing good.

Tell us about your family!
I have a mother and 2 sisters. My father lives in aruba but I don’t have any contact with him. My mom is almost 70 years old but she doesn’t look like that. Her name is Irene Hooi. She loves to sing and every Sunday she go’s to church. My mom wants me to be an example for people especialy for the youth and im proud of her because that’s what I like and always wanted to be. My 2 sister are 36 and 31. The oldest one calles Mita Olbina and the other one is Sheralijn Olbina. Mita has 5 adoreble kids. She also lives in Apeldoorn. Shera has three cute kids. Shera is just like my mom. She loves to go to the church and is also an example for the church people.

If you showed me around your country, where would you take me?
I know a lots of beautiful spots here, but I think I would take you to a world without luxery. Just have a good conversation and see what your up to.

Name one living person that inspires you!
Just one? Ahaha ok if i have to choose one person that will be will smith

If you could have dinner with Dutch famous person, who would it be and why?
I would choose queen maxima. She wasn’t famous till she marry our king. So she can tell me anything about her experience and how does it feel.

About same-sex marriage, support it or not? Explain why?
I support this because I want to see everybody happy. It doesn’t matter if you fall in love with the same sex. If you feel like doing it, then go for it. Don’t let anybody disturb your luck.

If you were to be reborn, whom would you choose to be born as: Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela? Why?
I would choose Nelson Mandela. What he did for the world is just amazing. I exactly would do the same.

Everyone has a mission in life. What do you think your mission is?
I think my mission is inspire people. Fight for the poor people and make every one smile. Create their dream and fight to make it happen.

Did you dream of becoming a Mister International?
No I didn’t dream this at all. I was at a casting for a tape in the music studios. At the end of my casting they told me that I was a perfect person for a mister pageantry. From that day I started thinking bout how it would be.

How did you prepare yourself for Mister International Netherlands 2014?
I didn’t prepare myself at all. I went to the casting just as I am. I think its important to be true to who you are and let all the other people see who’s the real you.

Among all the contestants, who do you think is your strongest rival? (you have to mention one name!)
I think having thoughts about someone isn't the right way to get trough this competion. I give everybody a chance because everybody deserves that. All the guys are good in what they do and everybody is different and have their own quality but I see that I have to mention one name and that would be………….. Michael.

If you win Mister International Netherlands 2014, what are your plans for the future?

Invest in plans for the youth because with out the youth there is no future for us. With plans I mean start a project with volunteers so they can be leaded by someone that inspires them.

Shahir's Favorites
What is your favorite food? Spagetti
What is your favorite movie? Last stop 174
What is your favorite animal? Lion
What are your two favorite colors? Blue and gray
Name your favorite book! Jeugdzorg & jeugdbeleid
Name your favorite magazine! topgear
What is your favorite song or music video? Confetti by tori kelly
Who is your favorite celebrity? Will smith
What is your favorite ice cream flavour? Banana

Interview by:
Chilton Sampono & Shahir Olbina

Banners by:

Mark van Velsen

Special Thanks to:
Lyron Martina, The National Director