
Exclusive Interview - Mr. International Netherlands: MAURICE DE JONGE

Before participating at Mister International Netherlands 2014 Pageant, what did you do?
Before participation at Mister International Netherlands 2014 Pageant, I was a studying “Industrial product design” & also modelling at TonyJonesmodelmanagement in Amsterdam. I still try to grow as a model & designer every day, making products and thinking of a solution to a cleaner environment. I also strive to be a well-known face in the fashion industry.

Tell us about your family!
My father is a Dutch engineer and my mother a beautiful Nigerian housewife. My junior brother is 12 and still lives with my parents, he means the world to me and I will always be there for him. Nothing is more important than family. Because I wanted to study and chance my dreams, I left home and joined the fashion industry. I have the best grandparents anybody could wish for. I always respected my grandfather a dentist, so I took good care of my teeth for the perfect smile. I have two uncles, one of them living in Australia and the other here in.

If you showed me around your country, where would you take me?
There a so many different places to be. I grew up in Drenthe, so I’m known with typical Dutch culture. But if I were to show you around the Netherlands? I’d definitely take you to Drenthe for old Dutch culture, to Amsterdam for the modern Dutch culture and finally to Limburg (Maastricht & Heerlen) where they also have different Dutch culture & the landscape there is beautiful.

Name one living person that inspires you!
LeBron James, he is the best basketball player and he is a fair player too. No ego, just the game. I like that.

If you could have dinner with Dutch famous person, who would it be and why?
Doutszen Kroes, she is so beautiful and the best Dutch fashion model.

About same-sex marriage, support it or not? Explain why?
I don’t support it, because I feel I don’t have enough knowledge on that subject. But I do believe it should be possible, it’s a personal decision and if it makes both men of women happy. Then why not! I think it should be possible and allowed, not seen as a taboo. But it shouldn’t be seen as normal as well, because normal is a relationship between man and woman.

If you were to be reborn, whom would you choose to be born as: Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela? Why?
I’d rather be Nelson Mandela, because he knew when to stop & knew he couldn’t do it all himself. So he tried to spread his words more instead of being in the middle of the action. Nelson didn’t get murdered, that’s another reason.

Everyone has a mission in life. What do you think your mission is?
I believe my mission in life is in Africa (Nigeria), I would like to go back, and speak for the Nigerians who need to be heard.

Did you dream of becoming a Mister International?
Being Mister World would be awesome. But it’s not my ultimate dream.

How did you prepare yourself for Mister International Netherlands 2014?
A good friend told me about it, and I thought it was a great way to get heard.

Among all the contestants, who do you think is your strongest rival? (you have to mention one name!)
Qusay Alobaidi

If you win Mister International Netherlands 2014, what are your plans for the future?
If I win Mister International Netherlands 2014, I would love to travel into asia an meet a lot of new faces.

Maurice’s Favorites
What is your favorite food? Pounded yam and Egussi
What is your favorite movie? Pacific Rim & The great gatsby
What is your favorite animal? Melanistic Jaguar, They appear black, but have a panther like body. They are so beautiful.
What are your two favorite colors? Red & blue
Name your favorite book! Steeve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
Name your favorite magazine! “Elsevier” Men’s Fahion or Cars
What is your favorite song or music video? Lauryn Hill-Doo Wop
Who is your favorite celebrity? Kanye West
What is your favorite ice cream flavour? This one is hard, Vanilla with Caramel.

Interview by:
Chilton Sampono & 

Banners by:

Mark van Velsen

Special Thanks to:
Lyron Martina, The National Director