
Exclusive Interview - Mr. International Netherlands: DWAYNE WESTENBURG

Before participating at Mister International Netherlands 2014 Pageant, what did you do?
Commercials, modeling, little bit of acting, dancing, hosting

Tell us about your family!
My mother and father born and raised in Surinam, but now there living in the Netherlands. They have 5 children including me. I have a big brother, a sister and two little brothers.

If you showed me around your country, where would you take me?
I would take you to festivals, like Latin Village & Misteryland. Spaarnwoude is the place to be for this kind of festivals. I love to dance. For me, dancing is a hobby and also work. If you dance your body can release stress, and in that kind of atmosfeer your going to be happy like hell. That’s my job to make people happy. Smile, laugh and have a great time. LIVE, LIFE TO THE FULLEST!

Name one living person that inspires you!
Elliot Hulse

If you could have dinner with Dutch famous person, who would it be and why?
Humberto Tan! I would like to learn his interview skills.

About same-sex marriage, support it or not? Explain why?
Support it, because nobody can decide who they fall in love with. Beside who are we to judge. If they are happy with each other, than I am happy for them to.

If you were to be reborn, whom would you choose to be born as: Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela? Why?
I wouldn’t choose anybody. I want to be both of them. One part Madiba and the other part Mahatma. They both did great things in and for the world and still do. Not only for the racial or violence part, it lays in the human himself. Be the best version of yourself. It all start within us. Educate yourself, by life experiences and the most magical thing life himself, forgiveness, help each other, to grow. Don’t judge if you don’t know the person.

Did you dream of becoming a Mister International?
No I didn’t. I thought it just wasn’t something for me. But I’ve tasted a little bit of the Mister International Netherlands vibe and I like it! So now its becoming a dream, I’ll put it between all my other dreams lol

How did you prepare yourself for Mister International Netherlands 2014?
Well every day I do like a 1000 chrunces hahaha. No no that was a joke. Internet search for Mister International pageants, interviews and pictures of the contestants and the winners of the peagants!

Among all the contestants, who do you think is your strongest rival? (you have to mention one name!)

If you win Mister International Netherlands 2014, what are your plans for the future?
To let people know more about me, what my believings are, what kind of goals I have, what I want to offer to the world. I mean in a way like, reach the people in the media entertainment business (televison, magazines ect.), be a physical and mental health example all over the world. It is a shame that so many people don’t know the benifit of physical activation (movement) is. It works like a medicine only better. It helps not only to keep your body healthy, your mind and soul STRONG, but also what in my opinion is the most important thing of them all your brain function! First you have to take over your mind before your body can take action.

Dwayne's Favorites
What is your favorite food? Moxi alesi
What is your favorite movie? Set it off
What is your favorite animal? I don’t have a favorite
What are your two favorite colors? Red and Black
Name your favorite book! Physical activity for a better brain
Name your favorite magazine! Men’s Health
What is your favorite song or music video? Dru Hill – You Are Everything
Who is your favorite celebrity? Denzel Washington, Beyonce, Michael Jackson, Tyrese Gibson, Tyson Beckford, Vince Vaughn, Jason Stathem, Oprah Winfrey, Sam Cook, Kool and the Gang
What is your favorite ice cream flavour? Ben & Jerry – Chew Chew Monkey

Interview by:
Chilton Sampono & Dwayne

Banners by:

Mark van Velsen

Special Thanks to:
Lyron Martina, The National Director