
Exclusive Interview with Wendy-Kristy Hoogerbrugge, Miss Earth Netherlands 2013

The Stunning Angels proudly present Wendy-Kristy Hoogerbrugge Miss Earth Netherlands 2013 in an exclusive interview. Letus find out a little more about her...

If you would like to describe yourself in one word, and what word would it be, and why?
I would like to describe myself as ‘determined’. I have learned not to take anything for granted and enjoy life as much as I can! I am very grateful that I am born in a safe country where it is made possible for men and women to get education, good health care and housing. Because I realize that this is not self-evident, I will do my utmost to help people who are less fortunate.

Tell us something that many people don't know about you.
I am a real daredevil. I love to push myself to the limit in everything that I do :) And I have a very long bucket list.

If you were given 10 minutes on earth to live, what would you do with thoses 10 minutes?
If I was given 10 minutes on this beautiful Earth, I would consciously enjoy the nature and the people around me. These are the memories that you can cherish forever.

What is the one feature you would change about yourself and why?
To be honest, I would not change anything. I think looks are not the most important in life. In my opinion, true beauty comes from within. And I sincerely hope everyone loves themself as they are. Everyone has their own unique beauty. You are beautiful exactly as Mother Earth intended.

Have you ever posed nude or almost nude for a photo? And what if you were offered a million dollars to do so?
No, I have not. I personally think that a beauty queen should be a good role model inside and out. I would like to show others that it is not just about exterior beauty. For that reason I will not choose to pose nude. But I do think it is important that everyone embraces their body. Your body is beautiful regardless of shape, size or color.

What is the hardest part of being a Miss Earth Netherlands?
I am grateful for the opportunity that the Miss Earth organization has to offer and I am honoured to take part in this pageant. Miss Earth is such a beautiful stage to convey my environmental advocacy and take my charity work to the next level. But the hardest part of being Miss Earth Netherlands is my own high standard. I want to be a real good role model and show others that through hard work, commitment and passion we can take matters into our own hands in protecting and preserving Mother Earth. 

Tell us about your preparations for the Miss Earth 2013 pageant!
I want to be really well prepared and a good representative of my country. Therefore I have talked to our government and the CEO of our largest energy supplier about the vision and goal of our country, with regard to subjects such as sustainable development and water cooperation in the Netherlands. Furthermore, I participated in several projects to create awareness of these issues in my country and in other countries as well. Recently I took part in a nation-wide campaign to promote wind energy for household consumers. And together with foundation Humana, I have financed and started projects to address water issues in Africa, because a lack of access to freshwater and hygiene still accounts for the deaths of thousands of people.

Which one do you think is your best quality for winning the title of Miss Earth?
I am genuinely concerned about our mother Earth and the people and animals on it. I cannot believe that
diseases from unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation, kill more people every year than all forms of violence. And I cannot believe that there are animals dying all over the world, due to polluted water. We can change this. I want to change this!

If you don’t win Miss Earth 2013, what are your plans for the future?
If I don’t win Miss Earth 2013, my plans for the future will remain the same and I will continue to do everything in my power to help others.

What's your special message to your fans & our fellow readers?
I am extremely grateful for all your love and support. Thank you so much. I really hope that I will get the chance to make a difference, together with all of you! Together we can help others, in times when they need us the most. And together we already know so much about ways to protect and preserve mother Earth. Together we can make this Earth an even better place for ourselves and our children.

Wendy’s favorites
What is your favorite food?
I love all food! I still haven’t found anything that I don’t like. But you can wake me up for cotton candy.

What is your favorite movie?
My favourite movies are Pride and Prejudice and Bridget Jones Diary, because they are such sweet and endearing stories and I recognize myself in the clumsiness of Bridget ;)

What is your favorite animal?
I love all animals. We have come together united as one, including humans, animals, plants and all living organism. And we cannot live without each other. 

What are your two favorite colors?
I love the colours orange and dark green

Name your favorite book!
Obviously, Pride and prejudice by Jane Austen and Bridget Jones Diary by Helen Fielding. 

Name your favorite magazine!
Woman’s health. I like the information provided, because I work out a lot. And it is important to create a balance between exercise and nutrition, in order to stay healthy. 

What is your favorite song or music video?
I like the song ‘Mermaid’ by ‘Train’ a lot.

Who is your favorite celebrity?
Gisele Bundchen, because she is a real beauty for a cause. If celebrities are fully engaged with the cause they are promoting, the message can persuade others to support the cause. Gisele sets a beautiful example for others and donated millions of her personal wealth to to Doctors Without Borders for Haiti Relief following the devastating earthquake.

What is your favorite ice cream flavour?
My favourite ice cream flavour is ‘Ferrero Rocher’. I have an ice cream parlor around the corner and when I want to treat myself, I love to go there for ice cream J

Zeph End & Wendy-Kristy Hoogerbrugge

Special Thanks
Chilton Sampono

Maarten Quaavliet, Arjan Baugelink   

Antonín Beránek - The Stunning Angel 2013

"The Angel" Award is given by The Stunning Angels as part of its annual awards for the best contestant in the pageantry, male and female, to recognize a contestant who has delivered an outstanding performance.

The winner of "The Angel 2013" was selected by the judges from all over the world: Indonesia, Poland, Germany, South Africa, Philippines, Suriname, Panama, Thailand, Ecuador and Colombia; from a variety of prefessions: founders of pageant community and website, national director, pageant experts, former pageant contestant, professional photographer, pageant organizer, pageant observer, and the A team (The Stunning Angels team). They are...
1. Zeph End founder of The Stunning Angels from Indonesia
2. Jarek Załęgowski, national director of Mister Manhunt International Poland 
3. Misterx Vogel from Germany, pageant expert and founder of TheIdealBeauty
4. Armand Du Plessis, Mister Manhunt International South Africa 2012
5. Lonliwen, professional photographer from Philippines 
6. Chilton Sampono, pageant expert and organizer from the exotic country Suriname
7. From Panama, George Morales, a Producer and Director of Mister South Africa 2013 
8. Ratna Kurnia from Indonesia, The A Team
9. Dilan Fikri from Indonesia, The A Team
10. Xtian Vidi from Indonesia, The A Team
11. Liang CK, pageant expert and observer from Thailand 
12. From Ecuador, My Mister Glam/my beautyqueens foro, pageant expert and observer 
13. TheBeuatiesConcept, pageant expert and observer from Colombia
They voted for their ten best contestants, and after all the votes are collected, we have a winner. The Angel of 2013 goeas to...

Antonín Beránek
Mister International Czech Republic

Antonín Beránek with The Stunning Angels crystal trophy

founder of The Stunning Angels is proud to present the cristal trophy as an award for The Angel 2013

Not only The Angel 2013, Antonín also won Fan Favorite award. Selected by pageant fans around the world, thousand of votes on The Stunning Angels blog during a week period.

The Stunning Angels team and Antonín Beranek as the winner of Fan Favorite award.

Antonín Beránek with Fan Favorite trophy  

Antonín Beránek said "I'm glad to win both awards: Fan Favorite and The Angel of 2013. Thank you so much to all my fans, thank you to the judges, and thank you to The Stunning Angels for all supports you given to me during my stay in Indonesia, that really means a lot."

 Two trophy for Antonín Beránek

Wall of Fame: Mister International 2013 Jose Anmer Paredes

On the first day of pageant, after evening-wear and national costume photoshoot, The Stunning Angels had the opportunity to interview Jose Anmer Paredes, Mister International Venezuela 2013. At that time, he didn't imagine would be Ali Hammoud's successor. He enjoys every single minute in Indonesia, he said "There is no competition during the pageant activities, the competition is only ON THE STAGE". Well, it's male pageant, they look like a family coming from all over the world to gather and inspire people about healthy lifestyles.

I think everyone wants to know about this, I asked Jose this question.. 'If you win Mister International 2013, who do you think deserves to be the first runner-up?'. Jose said "It's very difficult question haha.. Too early to answer, the pageant has just began. But as for now (on that time .red) I think Mister Singapore deserves it. We already know each other, Edwin Heng is the first contestant I know, he's very nice and helpful during my stay in Singapore."


Zeph End & Jose Paredes

Venezuela Claims The Title of Mister International 2013

A 28-year-old event agency owner, Jose Anmer Paredes from Guasdualito, Venezuela won the title of Mister International 2013. He beats out 37 other strong contenders from all over the world. The pageant was held in Skenoo Hall-Gandaria City, Jakarta, Indonesia on November 21.

Photo by L-Men and The Stunning Angels

The Stunning Angels Award - "The Angel" (Mister International 2013)

"The Angel" means the best contestants of Mister International 2013 selected by the A team (The Stunning Angels team), pageant experts, former pageant contestants, and photographer as the judges from around the world, They are....

1. Zeph End, founder of The Stunning Angels from Indonesia
2. Jarek Załęgowski, National Director of Mr. Manhunt Poland 
3. Misterx Vogel from Germany, Pageant expert and founder of TheIdealBeauty
4. Armand Du Plessis, Mister Manhunt International South Africa 2012
5. Lonliwen, Professional Photographer from Philippines 
6. Chilton Sampono, Pageant expert and organizer from the beautiful country Suriname
7. George Morales from Panama, He is a Producer and Director of Mister South Africa 2013 
8. Ratna Kurnia (Indonesia), The A Team
9. Dilan Fikri (Indonesia), The A Team
10. Xtian Vidi (Indonesia), The A Team
11. Liang CK, Pageant expert and observer from Thailand 
12. My Mister Glam/my beautyqueens foro, male pageant expert and observer from Ecuador
13. TheBeuatiesConcept, pageant expert and observer from Colombia

And the award goes to....

Antonín Beránek

click image to enlarge
Rank #1 = 15 pts
Rank #2 = 12 pts
Rank #3 = 9 pts
Rank #4 = 7 pts
Rank #5 = 5 pts
Rank #6 and #7 = 2 pts
Rank #8 #9 #10 = 1 pt

Special thanks to the judges...

The Stunning Angels Award - Fan Favorite of Mister International 2013

The fans have spoken, and after thousands of votes on our blog, the winners of The Stunning Angels Fan Favorites Awards for Mister International 2013 are in! And the award goes to...

Antonín Beránek

Congratulation !!!
The winner will receive The Stunning Angel Trophy

Here is the complete result (click to enlarge)

1. CZECH REPUBLIC Antonín Beránek
3. BELGIUM Gianni Sennesael
4. INDONESIA Albern Sultan
5. MEXICO Hans Briseno

Exclusive Interview with Albern Sultan Mister International Indonesia 2013

The Stunning angels proudly present Albern Sultan in an exclusive interview. Let us find out a little more about him..

Describe yourself! What do you think about yourself? and do you think people perceive you in the same way?
Well, people perceive me as a calm person on the first impression, but when they really acquainted me, they will know I’m a fun and lively person.

Socrates said, “Know Thyself”, That is still good advise today. Tell us what you consider to be your best characteristic and your worst charasteristic.
Humble is my best characteristic. But sometimes being too humble can be double-edged sword; it may cause others to think you have low self esteem.

Tell me one thing about you that you find the sexiest!
The way I smileJ

What achievements are you most proud of in your life?
When I was chosen as the winner of L-Men of the Year 2013, I was so proud and happy that I’ve made my parents really proud of me.

Tell me something “unique” about your hometown!
My hometown, North Sumatera, has a really amazing place, called Taman Simalem Resort. It has a very beautiful panorama, with cool & fresh air, and a really breathtaking view to Lake Toba -one of the deepest volcanic lakes in the world. Two words about my hometown: spicy food

If you could have a luncheon with any people (real or fictitious/from any time period/dead or alive), which people would you choose and why?
First, I would choose Thomas Alfa Edison, his passion and motivation to invent new things which is giving a good effect for human life really interesting. Second, I want have a luncheon with Soekarno, the first president of my country, Indonesia. I want to know about his constancy and leadership.

It’s the last evening of your life, and you are given a choice to spend a night with one of these hollywood diva, Natalie Portman, Leighton Meester, Paris Hilton, and Bradley Cooper.Which one is your choice?
I would not choose any of them, I prefer to spend my last moments people I love, FAMILY. But if I had to choose, I will choose Natalie Portman because she’s smart and very beautiful.

Talking about Mister International pageant, what did you know about it?
Mister International is international male pageant, with healthy lifestyle campaign. I think it will be such a good opportunity to show healthy lifestyle from every contestant’s country to the world.

Why do you want to win the title of Mister International 2013?
Mister International is world class pageant, that’s why it is my chance to inspire people all over the world about the importance of healthy lifestyle.

How did you prepare yourself for this contest?
Of course, I've been preparing everything, both mental and physical, especially, since I’ll compete with contestants from all over the world. I also learn a lot about Indonesian’s culture that I want to share to other contestants.

What advice, if any, did you get from your predecessor?

Mister International 2013 will be held in Indonesia on November. Do you feel being a host country gives you certain advantages in this pageant? why or why not?
Of course, since it’s going to be held in Indonesia, I have a burden to win the pageant. Since I’ll get countless support from other Indonesians, Yes, I believe I can give my best shoot for this opportunity.

Have you ever posed nude or almost nude for a photo? And what if you were offered a million dollars to do so?
Not yet, but if there’s offering to do it, I don’t consider the fee but the purpose why I should pose like that.

And finally, do you have any memorable or funny experience to share with us?
Yes! My best childhood moment when I was still in primary school. I got the 1st rank in class. My parents were really proud of me.

Albern's Favorites
What is your favorite food? Grilled Chicken
What is your favorite movie? Mission Impossible
What is your favorite animal? Dog
What are your two favorite colors? Black & White
Name your favorite book! The Secret
Name your favorite magazine! Men’s Health
What is your favorite song or music video? Swedish House Mafia – Don’t You Worry Child
Who is your favorite celebrity? Tom Cruise
What is your favorite ice cream flavour? Chocolate
Who is your favorite quote? Nothing is Impossible, the word itself says I’M POSSIBLE

Zeph End and Albern Sultan

Special Thanks
Steffira Kusuma Devie, PR Nutrifood