
Wall of Fame: Mister International 2013 Jose Anmer Paredes

On the first day of pageant, after evening-wear and national costume photoshoot, The Stunning Angels had the opportunity to interview Jose Anmer Paredes, Mister International Venezuela 2013. At that time, he didn't imagine would be Ali Hammoud's successor. He enjoys every single minute in Indonesia, he said "There is no competition during the pageant activities, the competition is only ON THE STAGE". Well, it's male pageant, they look like a family coming from all over the world to gather and inspire people about healthy lifestyles.

I think everyone wants to know about this, I asked Jose this question.. 'If you win Mister International 2013, who do you think deserves to be the first runner-up?'. Jose said "It's very difficult question haha.. Too early to answer, the pageant has just began. But as for now (on that time .red) I think Mister Singapore deserves it. We already know each other, Edwin Heng is the first contestant I know, he's very nice and helpful during my stay in Singapore."


Zeph End & Jose Paredes