
Exclusive Interview - Mr. International Netherlands: DANNY WIELAND

Before participating at Mister International Netherlands 2014 Pageant, what did you do?
I was a dancer in the showbizz in America.
And after that I was a personal trainer to help people to achieve their goal.

Tell us about your family!
My family is an important factor to support me for Mister International Netherlands. To keep me with both legs on ground and stay positive.

If you showed me around your country, where would you take me?
We would go to Amsterdam the capital of the Netherlands, to visit museums and history places. The  dam, Anne Frank house, and buy a dutch souvenir Wooden clogs..

Name one living person that inspires you!
My grandma...
She is a wonderful person, and she’s get the best out of each person. If i look at my grandma, i learned that you always need to stay positive even when life gets rough.  She is a strong  and a helpful person.

If you could have dinner with Dutch famous person, who would it be and why?
Bastiaan van schaik because he is an inspirator for me and shows me important things in life, how to do some things and how not. And he achieved a lot of good things in life.

About same-sex marriage, support it or not? Explain why?
Yes i support because everybody is a human and can choose what or who he likes.

If you were to be reborn, whom would you choose to be born as: Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela? Why?
As Nelson Mandela, For all the great work that he delivered so where he get his noble prize for. I wanna do something back for the people. So that they can have a better future and get a better life or a happier life

Everyone has a mission in life. What do you think your mission is?
My mission in life is to help people get a better life a happier life and so that they always stay positive even when bad things will happen.

Did you dream of becoming a Mister International?
I think from the age of 20 maybe because a mister is more a personality then just a model. So you can do more for the world and it’s not all about yourself

How did you prepare yourself for Mister International Netherlands 2014?
Nothing special, the same work out and healthy lifestyle like always

Among all the contestants, who do you think is your strongest rival? (you have to mention one name!)
Qusay Alobaida because he has more experience like a model.

If you win Mister International Netherlands 2014, what are your plans for the future?
Try to start my own foundation, the Batman foundation. Travel the world to visit countries and see the people that supported me. And looking for opportunities to improve their living conditions and future.
And a important thing is to present the Netherlands in Korea for Mister international 2014.

Danny’s Favorites
What is your favorite food?  Sushi
What is your favorite movie?  Scarface
What is your favorite animal? Bengal Tiger
What are your two favorite colors?  Black and light blue
Name your favorite book! Steve jobs
Name your favorite magazine! Men’s health
What is your favorite song or music video? Santana – maria maria
Who is your favorite celebrity? Will smith
What is your favorite ice cream flavour? Ben and jerry chocolate & caramel

Interview by:
Chilton Sampono & Danny Wieland

Banners by:

Mark van Velsen

Special Thanks to:
Lyron Martina, The National Director