
Mr. South Africa Top12 Web Reality Show “The Journey” Raw & Unscripted

The Mr. South Africa organization has decided to create a web-based reality show called the Journey in which the audience, not only in South Africa but around the world, will be able to follow the Top12 Contestants´ every move and gain insight into what needs to be done to win the title as the next South African ambassador.

The organization is trying to change the perception of the Mr. South Africa Competition with regards to the contestants, where people perceived the competition as a pageant focusing on a Muscular Body and an attractive face and with the reality show people will learn to know the contestants more intimately and learn about their true passions and involvements such as the National Anti-Rape Campaign.

During the show The Contestants will have 3 major challenges or road trips where they will be judged in different aspects, Social Skills, Team Work, Q&A, among others, The first road trip was in cape town and the first episodes will feature everything that happen during that weekend, the following episodes will be footage from the individual time spent with each contestants where our cameras will live with them for a couple of days to see who they really are and what they´ve done to prepare themselves for the final event.

The second road trip will be To Durban on October the 4th-7th we would like to invite all the Durban audience to join us during the events that we will be attending during our stay there.

The third road trip will be to Johannesburg where the contestants from CT and Durban will have to come to Joburg to face the last challenge before the final night.

The show is produce by the International Panamanian producer George Morales who has worked previously on other male contest shows for the Web such as Mr. Tourism World Final in Panama City, Panama, and Men Universe male Contest in Dominican Republic.

The first episode will be release on August 29th at 19:00 on the Mr. South Africa YouTube Channel: and then every Thursday at 19:00. A new episode will be released until the Final Event. 

We will like to invite the audience to subscribe to our YouTube Channel to receive the Updates and enjoy all the Journey of these 12 Contestants.

The following link has the preview for the show: