
Exclusive Interview with Rizal Al Idrus, Mister International Indonesia 2012

The Stunning Angels proudly presents Rizal Al Idrus in an exclusive interview. Let us find out a little more about him

Who is Rizal Al Idrus? Tell us something that will make us remember you.
I’m a young doctor, Arabic descendant who won L-Men Of The Year 2012 contest, Inspirator of healthy life.

Which word best describes you: sexy, smart, handsome or talented? And why?
Smart.. The other people need 3 steps to complete one thing but I always look for another way to solve it in just one step.

The photo is copyright to its considerate owners
Tell us something interesting about your country Indonesia that people might not know?
Indonesia is so unique with its thousands islands, Indonesia has cultural diversity, nothing can compare it.

If you could have dinner with celebrity, who would it be and why?
Will Smith! He's the best actor

If you were to be reborn, whom would you choose to be born as: David Beckham, Prince William or Sir Elton John? Why?
I don’t wanna be anyone, but myself. It is kind of regretful if we wanted to born as someone else. But personal wise, I choose David Beckham.

The photo is copyright to its considerate owners
Other than physical appearance, what do you like most about yourself?
I’m optimistic person

What are your BEST and WORST part of your body?
Best part is my shoulder while the worst part is my legs

Why do you want to be Mister International?
I want to achieve the highest goal and bring Indonesian cultures

Photo credit: Kapan Lagi
If you don't win the title, what are your plans for the future?
Be myself who always thirst for achievement for family and country. Because failures is the beginning of big success

Share a message to your fans and supporters
Keep supporting me to become the next Mister International who brings Indonesian name
Photo by Arseto Adipura/L-Men
Rizal's Favorites
My favorite quote is: “Do not count how many people who hurt you, but remember how much you hurt the God and He never leaves you”
My favorite cuisine is Ikan Bakar Rica
My favorite artist is Will Smith
My favorite color is: Red
My favorite movie is: Pursuit of Happiness
My favorite song is: Someone like you


Interview by zephEnd & Ratna Kurnia

Special Thanks
Rizal Al Idrus, L-Men of the Year 2012
Arninta Puspitasari, Nutrifood Public Relations Associate Manager