
Exclusive Interview with Anthony Santana, Mister International Dominican Republic 2012

The Stunning Angels proudly presents Anthony Santana in an exclusive interview. Let us find out a little more about him

Who is Anthony Santana? Tell us something that will make us remember you. 
Anthony is a humble, sympathetic and sincere person that loves to spend time with his family and friends. Anthony is a professional model and student of law in Santo Domingo. He is a caring person who likes to help others. In my leisure time I  like to practice baseball and enjoy reading books about politics. that’s Anthony Santana.

Which word best describes you: sexy, smart, handsome or talented? And why?
Smart, because being smart I could be sexy, handsome, talented and much more.

Photo by Brador Photography 
Tell us something interesting about your country Dominican Republic that people might not know.
Dominican Republic is an island where God put a bit of everything but something that people might not know is that we have the best beaches in the world.

If you could have dinner with celebrity, who would it be and why? 
Barack Obama President of the USA. Because I want to know how he feels to be the first black president of the USA.

If you were to be reborn, whom would you choose to be born as: David Beckham, Prince William or Sir Elton John? Why?
David Beckham, because we have in common that we are professional models.

Photo by Brador Photography 
Other than physical appearance, what do you like most about yourself?
My humility.

What are your BEST and WORST part of your body?
My best part of my body is my neck and the worst my toes, lol.

Why do you want to be Mister International?
I want to be Mister International because with the title I could travel the world to work and help others in name of the Mister Singapore Organization and take the name of Dominican Republic in each country i go.

Photo by Brador Photography 
If you don't win the title, what are your plans for the future?
My plans are to become a great politician of my country to serve and help others and one day become president of the Dominican Republic.

Share a message to your fans and supporters
To all my fans and supporters thank you very much for all the love and the best wishes. I feel very happy and lucky to have people supporting me and remember always that no matter what, never give up to your dreams!

Photo by Brador Photography
Anthony’s Favorites
My favorite quote is “When it wants, it could be!”
My favorite cuisine is Italian Cuisine
My favorite artist is Tercer Cielo (Dominican Group)
My favorite color is White
My favorite movie is The Pursuit of Happyness
My favorite song is Creere (by Tercer Cielo – I will Believe)


Interview by zephEnd

Special Thanks
Anthony Santana, Mister International Dominican Rep 2012
Luis Trujillo, National director of Dominican Rep