
Exclusive Interview with Jeyco Estaba, Manhunt International Venezuela 2012

The Stunning Angels proudly presents Jeyco Estaba in an exclusive interview. Let us find out a little more about him

Describe yourself in just one word, and explain why!
Persevering.. Because I have high motivation and a strong commitment to start the goals, and hard work to achieve everything I want.

When have you been very proud of yourself in your life?
When I was receiving my bachelor degree in social communication (marketing)

If you were to be reborn, whom would you choose to be born as: David Beckham, Prince William or Sir Elton John? Why?
I am a multitalented guy! I would take a little of each: Beckham for his sport talent, due to sport is part of my daily routine. Prince William because I like to rescue people in need, as he does as a pilot. Elton John, because he's a great singer/songwriter and music is my passion.  I will be 3 n one jajjajajjaja

Photo by Daniel Alonso
If you had fifteen minutes a day to do anything you wanted, what would you do?
I am a very hyperactive person, and those 15 minutes would take me to relax, enjoy a massage and eat a donut.

What is the one feature you would change about yourself and why?
I'm very hard on myself for every goal I want to achieve, and sometimes it's difficult on the process and I don't enjoy the momentI shouldn't be too perfectionist, but sometimes it's needed.

What do you want to gain by participating in Manhunt International?
I want to get a lot of experience, absorb every good advice so it can be used for my daily life, and do a great job.
Photo by Daniel Alonso
Till what extent can you go to win Manhunt International 2012?
Be myself, I obtain and achieve every goal I streak, so just show you my personality and energy to win, I consider myself as an integral.

If you don't win the title, what are your plans for the future?
Back to my projects and life, and take advantage of any new proposal that I present in any means that I play, my profession in sports or modeling

Finally, what's your special message to your fans & reader of "The Stunning Angels" blog?
Beforehand, thank you very much for your support, I hope to continue counting on you, I hope you liked the interview. Follow me to know more about me.
Hugs Jeyco Estaba Mr. Manhunt Venezuela.
And, please vote for me..

Photo by Daniel Alonso
Jeyco’s Favorites
My favorite quote: “Sólo es capaz de realizar los sueños el que, cuando llega la hora, sabe estar despierto”
My favorite cuisine: Hamburger, pizza, hot dog, anything that has carbohydratesJ
My favorite artist: Ashton Kutcher
My favorite color: Light blue
My favorite movie: Saw
My favorite song: Aaron by Paul Kalkbrenner


Interview by zephEnd & Ratna Kurnia

Special Thanks
Jeyco Estaba, Mr. Manhunt International Venezuela 2012
Julio Rodriguez, Director of Belleza Venezolana