
Exclusive Interview With Farhad Mosaffa, Manhunt International Iran 2012

The Stunning Angels proudly presents Farhad Mosaffa in an exclusive interview. Let us find out a little more about him

Describe yourself in just one word, and explain why!
Ambitious!! I aspire high and stop at nothing at fulfilling my goals and dreams, humans were born to achieve, and I always say the sky is the limit, so aim high!

When have you been very proud of yourself in your life?
When I look back at my life, I’ve done a lot of things that I’ve been praised for, many of the things I leave on account for human duty and the sake of morality, so I won’t mention them. But I’ve always been a believer in charity, I raised over 50,000 dollars for children with cancer, needed to mention much help was given to me from family and friends.
Photo by Milad GH - Sushiant Studio
If you were to be reborn, whom would you choose to be born as: David Beckham, Prince William or Sir Elton John? Why?
Wow 3 of my favorite British personalities. I would say David Beckham without a bit of doubt in my mind. Elton John I admire as an artist, he’ll always be a legend, Prince William, well he’s royalty what more can you say and perhaps future king of England, but being born into royalty gives you automatic access to almost everything, I’ve never liked things to be automatic for me and I’m not into politics at all. As for David Beckham I adore the guy, I’ve been a fan since I can remember, he’s single handedly created an Idol out of himself and his name will go down in history as one of the greatest athletes, personalities, celebrities and fashion icons. And besides his face is recognizable in every single city, country and continent all over the world.

If you had fifteen minutes a day to do anything you wanted, what would you do?
If the impossible was possible I would fly. But since it’s not I would still say fly via a small plane or something like that... I love adrenaline and heights give me that.
Photo by Milad GH - Sushiant Studio
What is the one feature you would change about yourself and why?
Appearance wise nothing, I’m 100% happy with myself. Characteristically, I would say I’m too naïve, I’m me, what you see is what you get, not necessarily a bad thing but I trust too easily.

What do you want to gain by participating in Manhunt International?
The fame and exposure are all in it’s package, it’s a good thing, I’d be a liar if I said I’m not into it because of that, but events and competitions like Manhunt International serve as a platforms for great success, it builds reputation in your name and gives you a title which gives you a voice. To have a voice in today’s society is a great tool; it can be used in many great ways.

Till what extent can you go to win Manhunt International 2012?
Like I said the sky is the limit for me, I stop at nothing to achieve my goal, this pageant is especially important for me since Iran is stepping up into the public eye in pageant after the longest time or even the first time in an all male competition. I’m a Canadian citizen, I could have entered Manhunt as a Canadian Delegate but I chose Iran, I have a beautiful country with a lot to offer, I’m trying to fix up its image.

Photo by Milad GH - Sushiant Studio
If you don't win the title, what are your plans for the future?
This is going to be a once in a life time experience for me, the experience alone will help me a lot, I’m going to continue my studies, continue my modeling but at a greater depth since a great highlight has been added to my professional resume, and I’ll try again but with harder force next time, never give up J.

Finally, what's your special message to your fans & reader of "The Stunning Angels" blog?
Hello to all you Stunning Angels out there, keep a strong head on your shoulders, never doubt yourself and believe in yourself, you are your own number one fan. Dream big, achieve big, Impossible is Impossible! The countdown has begun, just a few more weeks till the show, I couldn’t thank all of you more and feel more privileged to have had your support, energy and love, my gratitude to you is inexplicable.
Much love
Farhad Hadi Mosaffa XO
Photo by Milad GH - Sushiant Studio
Farhad’s Favorites
My favorite quote is “A tree laden with fruits always bends low” Meaning be humble no matter how great.
My favorite cuisine is Japanese
My favorite artist is (ooh toughie, I have lots) Googoosh, Persian Diva
My favorite color is White
My favorite movie is Scent of a woman
My favorite song is Music is my life, can’t pinpoint.
My favorite book is 100 years of solitude


Interview by zephEnd

Special Thanks
Farhad Mosaffa, Mr. Manhunt International Iran 2012