
Interview with Stephan Hofmann, L-Men of the Year - West Java 2012

20-years old, Stephan Hofmann is a model who was born in Berlin, the capital city of Germany. He speaks three languages: English, German, and of course Indonesian. Stephan won "LOTY Bandung Audition" by beating 417 other competitors at a competition held in Aston Primera Pasteur Hotel & Conference Center. He will represent West Java in the 2012 L-Men of the Year pageant on June 10th. At this time, The Stunning Angels had an opportunity to interview some of the grand finalists, one of them is Stephan Hofmann. Let us find out a little more about him....

1. In your own words, who is “Stephan Hofmann”?
Stephan Hofmann is someone who never gives up, loves to motivate people and searches for new challenges.

2. Tell us something that many people don't know about you.
Many people don't know that i just began to workout again in January 2012 after a half year break, where i had to lose 7kg of muscle mass for fashion modelling. But now I'm back on the way where i belong to and I did a good job on my body for 3-4 month :D

3. What is your biggest accomplishment so far?
Well i would say that my biggest accomplishments are the title's in Hammerthrow which i won during my Athlete-time. A couple in Germany like: 3 x Berlin Champion, 2 x 1st Runner-Up Berlin Champion, 2 x 1st Runner-Up North-Germany Champion. In Indonesia I became 1st Runner-up at the National Junior Championships and I also competed in Thailand as an Indonesian Athlete and won Bronze Medal.

4. Which part of your body are you proud the most? Tell us why?
I like the V-Cut on my core. i developed most of it at my athlete time and it really helps me getting heavy on any exercise where you need core strength.

5. If your life was turned into a movie, what actor would play you?
I would play Scott Adkins. That guy's body shape and martial arts skills are just amazing!

6. What was the craziest date you have ever been on?
Well I never been on a 'blind-date' and thank God until now nothing really weird happened :)

7. Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton. Which one would you choose? And why?
Woooooow..tough!! i gotta say none of them.

8. When there is an old proverb "The body is like a piano, and happiness is like music. It's needful to have the instrument in good order" nowdays mostly people only concern about physical treatment when it comes to healthy life. Why does it happen? Do you agree with the proverb?
I agree with the proverb. Having our body in 'good order' which needs also a trained mind, brings a lot of benefits with it. such as happiness

9. What is your worst quality?
I don't like to clean up. :P

10. What was your reason for joining “L-menOf The Year” Contest?
Basicly i moved to Indonesia to become a Model and Actor, because I really enjoy doing those things. I also really love to inspire and motivate people to live healthy and get in shape. Taking Part on L-men of the Year and placing well would give me the best possible Start for my carrer with the best achievable Image.

11. Tell us about your preparations for “L-men Of The Year” 2012.
Pretty simple. Eat Clean, Train Dirty, Rest enough and repeat.

12. Have you already seen the photos of the other candidates? which one do you think is your strongest rival?
I already saw the pictures of the other candidates and right obviously everyone of them is a strong rival, because they all won for a reason at each Audition.

13. Who/what inspires you to win this competition?
Everyone that supports me. My friends and family here in Indonesia, but also back in Germany. My mainly Inspiration to win the L-men of the Year title would be my father. Unfortunately he can’t sit in the audience in that night, because he will have an tumor operation in Germany end of this month. The L-men of the Year competition will be in the night to his birthday. I guess the best present for him.

14. Which one do you think is your best quality for winning the title of “L-men Of The Year”?
My charm, look, confidence and english skills.

15. What's your special message to your fans & reader of TheStunningAngels blog?
I want say Thank You to everyone who supports me and for every prayer. I will give my best at LOTY 2012 and hopefully gonna represent our beloved Indonesia the right way on a future International Event. Stay healthy  ;)

»Personal Motto: Pain is temporary, glory is forever!
»Personal Goal: Being happy and satisfied with the things I do.
»Personal Dream Destination: Maldives, USA and Japan
»Favorite Food: Pizza and Steak
»Favorite Color: Blue
»Favorite Hobby: My daily fitness routine and having a great time with friends
»Favorite Sport: Fitness and swimming
»Favorite Book: Muscle & Fitness Magazine. haha
»Favorite Movie: The Last Samurai
»Favorite Actor/Actress: Vin Diesel and Jason Statham
»Favorite Singer/Band: Incubus
»Favorite Song: Nobuo Uematsu – To Zanarkand (Many memories are featured with this song)

Thank you so much Stephan for sharing with us, The Stunning Angels wish you good luck and success in the future


Interviewed by Zeph End

Questions by
Ratna Kurnia, The Stunning Angels Team
novemberRain, Pageant Expert from Indonesia
Dionysus, Ambassador of Indonesia at Misosology Forum

Photo courtesy:
All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Special Thanks to
Stephan Hofmann, LOTY West Java 2012
Arninta Puspitasari, Nutrifood Public Relations Associate Manager

Please visit

Published by The Stunning Angels on June 7th, 2012

PS: I apologize if there are errors in the writing of the title, name, etc.