
Interview with Thierry D'haenens, Mister International Belgium 2011

"The Stunning Angels" presents Thierry D'haenens, Mr. International Belgium 2011 in an exclusive interview session. Let us find out a little more about him...

1. What would your friends say to describe you?
That I’m a very social and friendly person. That I’m always there to help my friends at any time of the day.

2. In your own words, who is Thierry D'haenens?
A  person that’s a fighter. Someone who gives himself the full 100%, doesn’t matter in category.

3. Tell us something that many people don't know about you!
I may look tough but I’m very sensitive. Even the big boys do have a small heart.

4. Describe the town where you grew up? 
A very multicultural city where there a lot of nice things to do. A nice place to meet new people.

5. Tell us about your family. What happened when you told them your desire to be a Mister? Did they support you?
They were very proud when they heard that I was selected for Mr. International. I have full support from my family and friends and it’s nice to know that so many people stand behind me.

6. Before participating in a Mister Belgium Pageant, what did you do?
And did you dream of becoming a Mister?

It was been a dream to become a model and to prove to other people that I’m able to do this, to be a Mister. Before I participated at the Mister Belgium Pageant I was active in the model world and it was a dream to become one day a Mister.

7. What were your reasons for joining the Mister Belgium? 
I knew I was able to win the pageant and I wanted to show to people that I’m not just an ordinary boy of 18 years. I wanted to show them that I can do these things, even when I’m so young. 

8. What is your favorite part of your body & why? 
I think my abs, I worked very hard on it and it’s something that a model must have.

9. What is your worst quality? 
Sometimes the stress strikes when I have to do something important. But during the pageant I’m now able to control my stress and reverse it to positive energy.

10. Any beauty queens/kings that you really admire and who inspires you? Any idol in life? Why? 
I don’t really have an idol. I try to be myself and being an example for other people and to inspire them.

11. Tell us about your preparations for the 2011 Mr. International pageant. 
I try to eat healthy and work out. Beside that I just want to wait what my time in Bangkok will bring.

12. Which one do you think is your best quality for winning the title of Mister International? 
I’m the only one who’s wearing glasses. I see this as something positive because it separates me from all the other contestants in the pageant.

13. Have you already seen the photos of the other candidates? which one do you think is your strongest rivals? 
I think Mr. Sweden, He’s very nice model and has a lot of chance to win.

14. If you don’t win Mister International 2011, what are your plans for the future? 
I would definitely keep on doing what I do now. It’s already a price that I may participate at the Mister International Pageant. It would be very nice if I win, but I’m already a winner by going to Bangkok.

15. What's your special message to your fans & supporters? 
It’s a pleasure to know that so many people support me and I’m not alone in this. I will make everybody proud and will give myself 100%. 

»Personal Motto: Dream as you’ll live forever, live as you’ll die tomorrow. 
»Personal Goal: To be happy in my life. 
»Personal Dream Destination (Place): Kenya 
»Favorite Food: Osso Buco 
»Favorite Color: Blue 
»Favorite Hobby: Dance 
»Favorite Sport: Fitness 
»Favorite Book: / 
»Favorite Movie: A walk to remember 
»Favorite Actor/Actress: Nicolas Cage & Tom Hanks. 
»Favorite Singer/Band: Maroon 5 
»Favorite Song: She will be loved by Maroon 5

Thank you very much Thierry for this interview, thank you for sharing with us, The Stunning Angels wish you good luck and success in The 2011 Mister International pageant


Interviewed by Ratna Kurnia

Photos courtesy: 
Mister Belgium Personality, Luc Grobben, Woodi Van Dolder
 All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Special thanks to 
Thierry D'haenens, Mister International Belgium 2011

Published by on December 3rd, 2011 

PS: I apologize if there are errors in the writing of the title, name, etc.