
Interview with Martin Gardavský, Mister International Czech Rep 2011

"The Stunning Angels" presents Martin Gardavský, Mister International Czech Rep 2011 in an exclusive interview session. Let us find out a little more about him...

1. What would your friends describe you?
I hope they would be very kind with me. Haha.. I think they could say I’m pleasant person with sense of humor. I think they would definitely say that I usually come late for meetings. :) That’s why I love my friends, because they are very patient with me. :)

2. In your own words, who is Martin Gardavský?
Sympathetic young guy, who wants to make something big during his life. I think I can be very empathetic and can help when somebody needs help. I really like to be with people around, but enjoying also my free time just for me and my hobbies.

3. Tell us something that many people don't know about you.
Many people don’t know the things about me because I don’t know, so if I tell you, they will know :). No but for example a lot of people don’t know that I really like to sing in the shower and I’m sure my neighbors know that I sing horrible. :)

4. Describe the town where you grew up?
I grew up in small village near Prague in Czech Republic. So I’m a farm boy. No just kidding. There is a lot of nature around and many big fields of the corn. I really like this place but it’s too small to make something big :). Imagine place where the shoe close at 4 and if you want to go to buy something after this time you have to take a car and go 10 kilometers. You can think it’s some wild place, and it is, haha.. You can even meet the deer on the road when driving the car :)

5. Tell us about your family. What happened when you told them your desire to be Mister? Did they support you?
It was all a big conscience that I went for the competition here in Czech Republic. But I’m really glad that I did. My family supports me from the beginning until I win this contest. I’m really glad that I have the family like this.

6. Before participating in a Muž Roka 2011 Pageant, what did you do? And did you dream of becoming a Mister?
I have never dreamed become a Mister, but it happened. That’s why the life is so amazing. I studied abroad economics and when I came back I went for the competition. I still study a little. I worked in finance and tourism. I also try to do photography as I really like it. I dream about my business and do some sports.

7. What were your reasons for joining the Muž Roka?
To have new experiences. Meet new people. Something different from normal life. I got there because I was asked to go. And I agreed. I told myself, why not? and I went. I really like to meet new people and this was also way. I was never thinking to win, I just took this as great adventure and something I will like to remember.

8. What is your favorite part of your body & why?
My favorite part is my nose, haha. Is bigger, but I really like it. I think if I have big nose, I can more enjoy the meal and the flavour of my lunch :)

9. What is your worst quality?
I all the time come late. It’s just amazing. When I was living in my village I used to go for bus. I remember just 3 times i didn’t run for a bus during 7 years.

10. Who inspires you? any idol in life? and Why?
There are many people who inspire me. I really like charismatic actors as Javier Bardem for the way the I’m inspired by his courage. I like Robert Kiyosaki, because he is very smart and gave me a big inspiration for my future life. And my parents, who gave me love and I want to payback all they did for me and my sister.

11. Tell us about your preparations for the 2011 Mr. International pageant.
I have to prepare several things as national clothes, some things I have to bring with me. Of course I go to the gym a lot now, to do my best be good competition for guys coming. :) I’m looking forward to go to Bangkok and I really want enjoy the atmosphere and the sun, cause now is freezing here in my country.

12. Which do you think is your best quality for winning the title of Mister International?
I don’t have to win. I guess there are many guys, very beautiful with amazing body, I’m looking forward to know them. I think all of the guys coming would deserve to win and hope that one of us who win will be the best mister international ever in his crowning and will do something for this World, even small.

13. Have you already seen the photos of the other candidates? which ones do you think are your strongest rivals?
I did. There are many of them. Just hard to say one or two of them. I think just photo is very small prove of the quality and I’m looking forward to know all of the contestants. I guess many of them are very nice and pleasant people.

14. If you don’t win Mister International 2011, what are your plans for the future?
My dream is to go to Brazil. I really want to follow my life there. Continue there with my current job in modeling and TV. Let’s see what will happen after the competition and I’m looking forward. I study hard Portuguese now with my Europe accent  :)

15. What's your special message to your fans & supporters?
To all my supporters I want say BIG Thank you :) I hope the amount of you will grow up and will try to do my best to make you proud of me :)

»Personal Motto: I will rather regret the things i did, then the thing i have never tried.
»Personal Goal: Be happy and famous :)
»Personal Dream Destination (Place): Brazil
»Favorite Food: Pasta in all ways
»Favorite Color: Grey
»Favorite Hobby: Travelling, sport, culture
»Favorite Sport: soccer, athletics
»Favorite Book: Everything from Terry Pratchett
»Favorite Movie: The Faun’s Labyrinth
»Favorite Actor/Actress: Javier Bardem/ Scarlett Johansson
»Favorite Singer/Band: Maroon 5
»Favorite Song: Don’t stop me now, The Queen

Thank you very much Martin for this interview, thank you for sharing with us, The Stunning Angels wish you good luck and success in The 2011 Mister International pageant


Interviewed by Zeph End 

Photos courtesy:
Jaro Management,
 All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Special thanks to 
Martin Gardavský , Mister International Czech Rep

Published by on December 7th, 2011 

PS: I apologize if there are errors in the writing of the title, name, etc.