
Interview with Erick Martinez, Mister International Costa Rica 2011

"The Stunning Angels" presents Erick Martinez, Mister International Costa Rica 2011 in an exclusive interview session. Let us find out a little more about him...

1. What would your friends describe you?
My best friend says that what she admires the most about me is my loyalty; I am always there for my friends. She also says my eyes are very expressive, and they always show my mood.

2. In your own words, who is Erick Martinez?
I am a hard-working, kind person with simple taste. When I have a personal goal, I do everything is in my hands to achieve it. I love to be with my loved ones, but I also enjoy some quite time on my own.

3. Tell us something that many people don't know about you.
When I was 5 years old, I climbed onto the roof of my house to roll skate.

4. Describe the town where you grew up?
Tres Rios is one of the main coffee growing areas in Costa Rica. It is located 12km East from San Jose, Costa Rica’s capital. Even though it is very close to the city, it still keeps the peacefulness of a little town.
Right in the middle to this little town, we have the Catholic Church, the city hall and the elementary school. From wherever you are, you can see the beautiful La Carpintera Mountain; a national reserve and an area for recreational walks. Our mountains also provide water to most areas in our Central Valley.

5. Tell us about your family. What happened when you told them your desire to be Mister? Did they support you?
We are a very close family. My mother has always been the head of the family and she worked very hard to give the best opportunities to her children. I still live with my mother and my three sisters… and also my dog Natsu.
When I first told them I was participating in Mister Costa Rica, they didn’t understand very well how a male beauty pageant works. However, now they are the ones who support me the most. My mother is the one person who asks me all the time about the pageant and what I am doing to prepare myself for it.

6. Before participating in a Mister International Costa Rica Pageant, what do you do? And did you dream of becoming a Mister?
I majored in Physical Therapy, but I have always worked in the aviation industry. I was a flight attendant for three years.
When that period of my life ended, I decided it was time for me to pursue other goals and dreams I had left aside. To represent Costa Rica in an international pageant was one of those dreams; therefore, I didn’t hesitate when I signed up for the Mister International Costa Rica pageant.

7. What is your favorite part of your body & why?
My legs, I believe it is a blessing I can walk; but also because they allow me to run and swim, which are the sports I practice and love the most.

8. What is your worst quality?
I get in bad mood when fell sleepy.

9. Any beauty queens/kings that you really admire and who inspires you? Any idol in life? Why?
Eva Ekvall, Miss Venezuela 2000, she is one of the most beautiful women I have seen in my life and her life story is very impressive. What I admire the most about her is her thriving will and her desire to live which helped her win the fight against breast cancer. I have two personal idols:
First, Ian Thorpe: This Australian is a great sports man. I had the opportunity to see him in a competition in Fukuoka, Japan and the way he swims is just impressive.
Second, Nelson Mandela: The iconic man who fought against the apartheid. He was able to change the racial ideology of a country and the world. A country that was divided now lives peacefully due to his unifying politics.

10. Tell us about your preparations for the 2011 Mr International pageant.
I am being trained by “Reinas de Costa Rica” in the areas of modeling, photography, speach as well as national and international history.
In regards of my physical appearance, I go to the gym five times a week, two hours per day. I combine weights and cardio. I am also following a cero fat diet that is low in carbohydrates by high in proteins.

11. Which do you think is your best quality for winning the title of Mister International?
I believe the quality that will help me win this pageant is my modesty.

12. Have you already seen the photos of the other candidates? which ones do you think are your strongest rivals?
All of them seem to be strong, well-prepared candidates; however, if I have to name someone, I would say Mexico, Brazil and Slovenia could potentially be my strongest rivals.

13. If you don’t win Mister International 2011, what are your plans for the future?
I don’t like to think in this possibility; but if it happens, I would like to find a job as a model in Asia. If that doesn’t happen either, I can only think of: EMIRATES.

14. What's your special message to your fans & supporters?
First of all, I would like to thank them for supporting Costa Rica, a country that will always welcome them with open arms.
I will do my best in order to get to the first place and, in this way, reward them for their support, understanding and patience during my path to Mister International 2011.

»Personal Motto:  There are no plans, only Ideas.
»Personal Goal: To work doing what I like the most
»Personal Dream Destination (Place): La tierra del fuego.
»Favorite Food: Hiroshima´s Okonomiaki
»Favorite Color: Blue and red
»Favorite Book: Anna Frank´s notebook 
»Favorite Hobby: Play TATUKO
»Favorite Sport: Swimming
»Favorite Movie: Cool runnings
»Favorite Actor/Actress: Julia Roberts
»Favorite Singer/Band: Black eyed peas
»Favorite Song: “Vivir lo nuesto” by Mark Antoni And La india

Thank you very much Erick for this interview, thank you for sharing with us, The Stunning Angels wish you good luck and success in The 2011 Mister International pageant


Interviewed by Zeph End 

Photos courtesy:,,
 All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Special thanks to 
Erick Martinez, Mister International Costa Rica

Published by on December 7th, 2011 

PS: I apologize if there are errors in the writing of the title, name, etc.